The Impact Cycle

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Who It's For

Coaches and administrators


In-Person | Virtual


2 days

Credit Hours

10 hours


ICG certified consultant


Contact us for a quote

A Simple, Adaptive Coaching Process

Based on The Impact Cycle (2017) by Jim Knight, this workshop describes the coaching cycle proposed for instructional coaches. The Impact Cycle, the product of 20 years of ICG research, provides a framework for any coaching scenario.

A Student-Focused Coaching Process

  • Learn a highly effective universal model for change that helps teachers figure out where they are and where they want to be by setting a powerful, student-focused goal, determining how they are going to get there, and making adaptations until the goal is met

Connect with Instructional Coaching Group

Three stages, one clear, powerful student-focused coaching process

The Cycle



A clear picture of the current reality

A powerful, student-focused goal

High-impact teaching strategies teachers can use to meet their goal



How to implement the strategies with clear explanations and modeling



By reviewing the data and adjusting the approach so that the teacher accomplishes his or her goal

Bring ICG to Your School or District

For teams interested in bringing an Instructional Coaching Group workshop to their school or district for a custom or private session, fill out this request form.

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Striving to Identify, Learn, and Improve

ICG uses our coaching framework (the Impact Cycle) as a base for future workshops such as Creating an Instructional Playbook or High-Impact Instruction. As a company, we are always striving to identify current realities facing educators, learn how we can support them, and improve the resources we provide.

Our Approach