Better Leaders

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Who It's For

Administrators, district leaders, coaches, teachers


In Person | Virtual


1 day

Credit Hours

5 hours


ICG Certified Consultant


Contact us for a quote

Leading Yourself and Leading Others

Each of us face leadership challenges in all of our roles in life. This workshop gives you practical tools and strategies to help you lead yourself and lead others in highly effective ways.

A Deeper Understanding of Leadership

  • Understand your purpose as a leader and how to live it out in your day-to-day experiences
  • Gain an understanding of change and culture, and the strategies we can use to help others flourish

Connect with Instructional Coaching Group

Partner with ICG and be a better leader

High-Yield Leadership Strategies


Leading Ourselves

What kind of difference do I want to make as a leader?

Am I clear on my purpose?

Do I spend time on the most important activities?

Do I treat myself with compassion?


Leading Others

How do I make sure I lead through change in a way that promotes alignment and success?

Am I a multiplier or a diminisher?

Do I effectively balance ambition with humility?

Bring ICG to Your School or District

For teams interested in bringing an Instructional Coaching Group workshop to their school or district for a custom or private session, fill out this request form.

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A Partnership Approach to Leadership

Leadership based on the Partnership Principles involves helping others identify for themselves what they need to do rather than getting them to do what the leader has decided they should do. Leadership based on the Partnership Principles is an act of service.

Our Approach