tlc conference
Breaking Patterns: Cultivating Creative Process for Social Change
Breakout Session

Breaking Patterns: Cultivating Creative Process for Social Change

October 29, 2024
1:45 PM CST
Riverview II
great for
Teachers, Coaches, Administrators

"Breaking Patterns: Cultivating Creative Process for Social Change" emphasizes a love-centered pedagogy to guide participants in identifying and transforming entrenched habits and norms in educational settings. This workshop invites participants to critically engage with the automatic routines and unexamined power dynamics that shape our interactions and environments. Anchored in a belief that creativity is a catalyst for systemic change, Mariah Rankine-Landers provides concrete strategies for coaches to support teachers and organizations in reimagining patterns of interaction, learning, and community engagement.

takeaways include:

Creativity as a transformative tool: Recognize and leverage creativity to challenge and alter entrenched educational practices for systemic change.Critical examination of routines and power dynamics: Develop an understanding of how everyday routines and unexamined power relations impact interactions and environments, and ways to modify them.Practical strategies for change: Learn how to use the L.O.V.E protocol and Narrative Intelligence for feedback sessions.