Going Deeper with Embedded Coaching
After any professional development workshop, the most common questions concern follow-up. Workshops are incredibly valuable to convey foundational knowledge for new professional learning.
At ICG, we want to ensure that our workshops are clear, engaging, grounded in partnership, and ever-improving. Those workshops are critical in explaining our coaching model, the 20+ years of research behind it, and the benefits and challenges that arise when implementing it. However, workshops alone are not enough.
What Is Embedded Coaching?
Several years ago, Consultants Ann and Michelle began providing follow-up for our workshops in the form of “embedded coaching” days.
Embedded coaching days provide embedded professional learning on the spot, in school buildings, with real coaches, teachers, and administrators. In those sessions, the school or school district determines the agenda based on the needs of their coaches in implementing the Impact Cycle coaching model.
How ICG Can Help
Because no two school districts or even two school buildings have the same needs, the agenda items vary on embedded coaching days. Schools or districts typically (but not always) request activities that fall into any of the four categories.
Live Coaching
Either the ICG consultant coaches a classroom teacher while small groups of coaches and possibly leaders watch, or a coach within that district coaches a teacher while the ICG consultant, other coaches, and possibly leaders watch. After the teacher-coach conversation, the small group discusses what they saw and examines specific aspects of the interaction.
Examine Impact Cycles
Examining specific Impact Cycles within the school at different stages of the process and troubleshooting issues surrounding those cycles (Where are coaches getting stuck? How are teachers responding to coaching? Does a specific coach have questions about a cycle involving a challenging teacher?).
Leadership Meetings
Meeting with school and/or district leaders in which the ICG consultant responds to questions and concerns about coaching and the Impact Cycle model.
Coaching Videos
Watching coaching video as a group to examine various elements of coaching interactions.
Start Your Journey
Use our online tool to find the next step for building or developing your coaching program.
The Process for Embedded Coaching
ICG can work with your school or district to discuss how embedded coaching programs can help you.